Goal: $35,000 (this is the total for BOTH playgrounds)

Total Raised: $17,000.00

Amount Still Needed: $18,000

An anonymous donor is willing to match any gifts given between now and the end of June, up to $9,000. That means, we only need $9,000 to be given in order to have all the funds needed!

Sunday 26 April 2015

Almost There!!!

God has BLOWN US AWAY with His provision for the playground project. We recently had an anonymous donor offer to match any gifts given from now until the end of June, up to $9,000!!!!! With that gift (and the matching amount), we will have ALL THE MONEY NEEDED for both playgrounds!!!!  That means, that any gift you give will be DOUBLED!

Will you help get us over the top to our goal?

Lord willing, the playgrounds will be able to be built over our July/August break at RVA!

Monday 22 September 2014

Help transform Rift Valley Academy playground from this...

to this!

Elementary Playground
Preschool Playground

Rift Valley Academy is a school for the children of missionaries and is located in Kijabe, Kenya. We are proud of our rich history of over 100 years serving missionary families all over Africa. Unfortunately, our playground has been in existence almost as long as the school! :) We would love to update our equipment to provide better quality play for our 100 plus elementary students. Additionally, we would like to add a smaller playground that would accommodate even the littlest members of our community.

We are planning on keeping most of the existing equipment, including the zip line. Our goal is to add to the options kids have, not take away.

In order to be able to put in these two playgrounds, we need to raise approximately $35,000.

Give Now!
Your tax-deductible donation can help us achieve this goal. Follow the directions below to give today!

1. Click here to be redirected to the Africa Inland Mission online giving site.
2. Click on the box on the left titled "Projects."
3. Scroll through the list and click on "RVA Playground RVA-205u."
4. Click "continue" and follow the on-screen prompts to complete your gift!